Fitness for busy people

Fitness for busy people

That’s the thing about sports. Exercise is good for us, we all know that. And yet real sports canons are rather a rarity. Because most of us have a busy schedule and simply no time for extensive jogging rounds through the park, relaxed yoga weekends in southern France, squash tournaments and regular gymnastics in front […]

Sports in old age

Sports in old age

A long life in good health – who doesn’t want that? Numerous studies show that those who exercise regularly age healthier. Even someone who hasn’t been athletic all his life can still start at 60 and quickly achieve success, says Prof. Ingo Froboese. He heads the Center for Health at the German Sport University in […]

Fit in old age: With this program, you strengthen muscles and joints

Fit in old age

Older people often do without sport. However, this is exactly the wrong way to protect the joints. Because especially after a certain age, the musculature breaks down rapidly. That can be dangerous. But with simple training, you can retain your strength into old age. If you still want to have strong muscles and joints in […]

Intensive training and infertility

Intensive training

The suspicion has existed for a long time, now it seems to have been confirmed. Several studies have found a link between intense exercise and an increased likelihood of female infertility. Nine studies worldwide were evaluated. Accordingly, excessive exercise could not be conducive to the desire for a baby. The authors emphasize that the effects […]

Strength training for women

Strength training for women

Strength training is only for men? No way! This prejudice has long since become passé, because many women are increasingly discovering training on fitness equipment or free weights for themselves. No wonder, because hardly any sport tones the body better and allows progress to be seen more quickly. Mother and housewife Kelsey Wells shows how […]

Muscle building women

Muscle building women

The right training and the optimal dietAt a glance: ❖ To build muscle, women and men must in principle train in the same way: with at least 60% of the maximum force input. ❖ Building muscle and losing fat at the same time is physiologically impossible; it must therefore be implemented separately in terms of […]

Become a Fitness Model

Fitness Model

Do you want to become a fitness model? With our guide you will learn everything about the requirements, the structure and the fitness model agencies. Are you in good shape? Do you love the camera? If you are fully committed to physical fitness and a healthy lifestyle, then you have what it takes to become […]